Saturday, February 28, 2009
Mark Bushnell (from Trotter) will be at this Tuesday’s Board Meeting...
To present Trotter's report.
Please be there. It is at 6pm at Village Hall. This Tuesday--MARCH 3rd.
Please be there. It is at 6pm at Village Hall. This Tuesday--MARCH 3rd.
Friday, February 20, 2009
"Meet the Candidates Night"
March 19th at the Community House.
Thursday, February 19, 2009

Strafford Woods Precedence...
The drainage issue that Strafford Woods had back in 2003, seems to have several parallels to the drainage issue at Mallard Point. Here are some points from that situation:
Strafford Woods Drainage Problem
* Problem affected one resident's yard (though a few more were involved in the repair of the problem)
* Two firms involved; Trotter and Engineering Enterprises, Inc.
* The village was to perform the repair work and perform restoration of the area
* Public works helped with research
* Malfunction of a 6" drain tile was part of the problem
* Drain tile not installed at a constant slope
* Break in the pipe
* Incorrect pipe was installed (not perforated)
* Metro Underground solution was used, installing a new sewer line
The Expenditure Approval for the Stafford Woods Storm Water Systems repairs was reported on the October 7, 2003 minutes:
Trustee Johnson moved to reject all quotes received, waive the formal bidding process and authorize staff to work with Metro Underground to repair the drainage system in Strafford Woods with the expenditure not to exceed $53,203.50. Trustee Bohler seconded the motion. There was no discussion and President Michels them called for a roll call vote.
Strafford Woods Drainage Problem
* Problem affected one resident's yard (though a few more were involved in the repair of the problem)
* Two firms involved; Trotter and Engineering Enterprises, Inc.
* The village was to perform the repair work and perform restoration of the area
* Public works helped with research
* Malfunction of a 6" drain tile was part of the problem
* Drain tile not installed at a constant slope
* Break in the pipe
* Incorrect pipe was installed (not perforated)
* Metro Underground solution was used, installing a new sewer line
The Expenditure Approval for the Stafford Woods Storm Water Systems repairs was reported on the October 7, 2003 minutes:
Trustee Johnson moved to reject all quotes received, waive the formal bidding process and authorize staff to work with Metro Underground to repair the drainage system in Strafford Woods with the expenditure not to exceed $53,203.50. Trustee Bohler seconded the motion. There was no discussion and President Michels them called for a roll call vote.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
The engineering firm has already been out to the pond and...
they may have something for this meeting or next.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Board meeting is at Village Hall (10 S. Municipal Drive)
For anyone wanting to know where Tuesday's board meeting is, it is at Village Hall, 10 S. Municipal Drive, Sugar Grove. 6pm, Tuesday, February 17.
Missing Gray Cat in Mallard Point
There is a solid gray, short haired cat with no collar who is missing. The name of the cat is Cinders. If you find or see this cat, please call 466-1184 (188 Cobbler Lane).
Saturday, February 14, 2009
BOARD MEETING Tuesday February 17 at 6pm
Please attend if you can. We still need to make our presence felt. Trotter has only one week left before the results come in and this is the only meeting left before those results are processed.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Preparing for upcoming election
We have accomplished our first goal of getting Rick Montalto’s name on the upcoming Trustee Election Ballot. It is now time to start preparing for the upcoming election.
We need to start fundraising in an effort to cover the printing of signs and flyers. Many of you have not been able to help with the signatures on the petitions, attending the meetings, etc., and we understand that many of us lead very busy lifestyles. Here is where you can help us keep moving forward with a simple donation to the fund. Checks can be written to the ‘Montalto Campaign Fund” and sent to 320 Mallard Lane, Sugar Grove, IL. 60554. A small donation per family would help fulfill our needs. (Please send donations prior to the end of February in order to allow ample time for printing).
Although we have made contact with some printing companies to check printing costs, we are also looking for any Mallard Point Resident who may be in the printing business that would be willing to help out. If possible we would like to give the job to one of our own. If you are in the printing business and would like get involved please call Rick at 630-251-3001. Once we gather the necessary funds to get the printing done we will send out another notice for anyone interested in putting a sign in their yard. Thanks in advance for anything that you can do.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
From the minutes of the special meeting/January 27th
Mallard Park is constantly saturated.
Ball field is saturated
Sidewalk floods by park.
Street by park floods.
Many were told they should not have a basement but the Village allowed anyway ... perhaps by a variance.
Problem appears to be a groundwater issue
Any correlation with the use of deep wells
Who owns the pond
Is not the pond owner responsible for maintenance
Was told SSA was needed
Was told HOA had to be formed
Who approved water to run to private property
Where are the Rolling Oaks residents, they use pond too
What is a cost for the fix
What is a timeline for the fix
Village already tried to force an SSA/HOA resident do not want
What about the tile that was to be re-routed
Explain why a problem in Strafford Woods was fixed
Snow is going to melt and created flooding can a temporary fix be done
Land has natural drainage what affect would a fix in Mallard have on the Sauers
Has Mr. Sauer done something to stop the flow
How does the Rob Roy Drainage system fit into the equation
Does the Village tape storm sewers for problems
Residents have an area to visit
Why not bid the project and the study
How can the pond be maintained if there is no access
In response to the asked questions or comments above, the following was offered by the Board and staff.
It was explained that the residents cannot be forced to start an HOA. The pond is for the benefit of all regardless of actual ownership. If an SSA had to be enacted Rolling Oaks residents would be a part of and notified. The pond was not approved as private it was developer owned in a trust. Neither cost nor timeline can be given at this time. If a fix is needed it needs to be long term, not short tem. Yes a tile was re-routed, may need to be extended. The pipe in Strafford was a broken storm sewer pipe that was a village pipe. If there is a solution prior to the snow melt it will be performed. The “rule” of release rates and not sending anymore water to another property was explained and the reason behind adding retention/detention to a subdivision. Yes the Village does perform storm sewer maintenance. There is access to the pond and all who benefit from it can use the access to maintain.
Mr. Sauer stated that in 92-93 his family started losing crop land. The Ogles are also adversely as well. He would like this problem resolved as much as anyone. He and his family have put in new drain tiles to try to alleviate but it has not been successful..
President Michels stated that if something is done now it will be a temporary fix, however a long term maintenance plan does needs to be drafted. Along with maintenance scope it will need to be determined who will be responsible for performance of maintenance and the ongoing cost. Retention / Detention ponds throughout the Village are all part of HOA and maintained by the HOA, if all areas if a HOA was to not maintain the retention/detention then an SSA would be enacted. The Village has 9,000 residents to which it has a fiduciary responsibility. Use of funds must be evaluated and properly considered in every issue that is brought forward. The drainage issue is really a private property matter and if the Village can assist it will perform an initial fix but ongoing maintenance and the associated costs cannot be undertaken by the Village.
Attorney Andersson explained at the request of the Board the bidding process for professional services. The Village is allowed to use a firm that it has a pre-existing relationship with however it if choose to not use any firm that it knows then the process is to ask for qualifications thru the published RFQ requirements and to form a committee to interview and then after a firm is chosen to give them the scope of work.
Mark Bushnell of Trotter Associates will contact residents if he needs additional information. The Village will work with Mr. Bushnell to come up with a scope of work. It is hopeful that the scope and the contract can be approved within the next few weeks. The Village would like to have any work that can be done performed done before the spring thaw. The Board stated residents will be notified of any upcoming meetings or happenings. President Michels asked those present to be sure to sign in and provide their email addresses. President Michels thanked all for coming.
To read all minutes, see this link:
The minutes from the board meeting on 2/3/9 are not up yet.
Ball field is saturated
Sidewalk floods by park.
Street by park floods.
Many were told they should not have a basement but the Village allowed anyway ... perhaps by a variance.
Problem appears to be a groundwater issue
Any correlation with the use of deep wells
Who owns the pond
Is not the pond owner responsible for maintenance
Was told SSA was needed
Was told HOA had to be formed
Who approved water to run to private property
Where are the Rolling Oaks residents, they use pond too
What is a cost for the fix
What is a timeline for the fix
Village already tried to force an SSA/HOA resident do not want
What about the tile that was to be re-routed
Explain why a problem in Strafford Woods was fixed
Snow is going to melt and created flooding can a temporary fix be done
Land has natural drainage what affect would a fix in Mallard have on the Sauers
Has Mr. Sauer done something to stop the flow
How does the Rob Roy Drainage system fit into the equation
Does the Village tape storm sewers for problems
Residents have an area to visit
Why not bid the project and the study
How can the pond be maintained if there is no access
In response to the asked questions or comments above, the following was offered by the Board and staff.
It was explained that the residents cannot be forced to start an HOA. The pond is for the benefit of all regardless of actual ownership. If an SSA had to be enacted Rolling Oaks residents would be a part of and notified. The pond was not approved as private it was developer owned in a trust. Neither cost nor timeline can be given at this time. If a fix is needed it needs to be long term, not short tem. Yes a tile was re-routed, may need to be extended. The pipe in Strafford was a broken storm sewer pipe that was a village pipe. If there is a solution prior to the snow melt it will be performed. The “rule” of release rates and not sending anymore water to another property was explained and the reason behind adding retention/detention to a subdivision. Yes the Village does perform storm sewer maintenance. There is access to the pond and all who benefit from it can use the access to maintain.
Mr. Sauer stated that in 92-93 his family started losing crop land. The Ogles are also adversely as well. He would like this problem resolved as much as anyone. He and his family have put in new drain tiles to try to alleviate but it has not been successful..
President Michels stated that if something is done now it will be a temporary fix, however a long term maintenance plan does needs to be drafted. Along with maintenance scope it will need to be determined who will be responsible for performance of maintenance and the ongoing cost. Retention / Detention ponds throughout the Village are all part of HOA and maintained by the HOA, if all areas if a HOA was to not maintain the retention/detention then an SSA would be enacted. The Village has 9,000 residents to which it has a fiduciary responsibility. Use of funds must be evaluated and properly considered in every issue that is brought forward. The drainage issue is really a private property matter and if the Village can assist it will perform an initial fix but ongoing maintenance and the associated costs cannot be undertaken by the Village.
Attorney Andersson explained at the request of the Board the bidding process for professional services. The Village is allowed to use a firm that it has a pre-existing relationship with however it if choose to not use any firm that it knows then the process is to ask for qualifications thru the published RFQ requirements and to form a committee to interview and then after a firm is chosen to give them the scope of work.
Mark Bushnell of Trotter Associates will contact residents if he needs additional information. The Village will work with Mr. Bushnell to come up with a scope of work. It is hopeful that the scope and the contract can be approved within the next few weeks. The Village would like to have any work that can be done performed done before the spring thaw. The Board stated residents will be notified of any upcoming meetings or happenings. President Michels asked those present to be sure to sign in and provide their email addresses. President Michels thanked all for coming.
To read all minutes, see this link:
The minutes from the board meeting on 2/3/9 are not up yet.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Melting Snow
Anyone nervous??? I know we are. But so far, so good! The true test will be the next two days I think. Anyone having any problems yet?
Firm to study drainage, flooding problems
February 6th, 2009
by Susan O’Neill
The Village Board on Tuesday approved a contract with engineering company Trotter and Associates, Inc. to study drainage problems within the Mallard Point Subdivision.
The first phase of the project will be to inspect the retention basin to the south of the development in an attempt to determine what is causing the problems.
Issues with flooding and drainage go back to when the construction began on the development east of Route 47 and south of Prairie Street in the early 1990s. The first builder declared bankruptcy in the midst of construction, and two additional builders took over before construction was completed in the late 1990s. Causes and responsibility for the subdivision’s problems have been difficult to pin down.
Mallard Point’s storm water management was to be handled by water flow through the retention basin and an improved wetland to the south. According to village officials, the annexation agreement called for a homeowners association to own and maintain the storm water management improvements.
However, a homeowners association was never formed, and the retention basin property was purchased by the owner of the farm to the south through a tax sale. Many of the residents have said that the water level of the retention facility is higher than originally intended, leading to the subdivision’s drainage and ground water issues.
More than 100 Mallard Point residents attended a special Village Board meeting on Jan. 27 to report on their specific drainage and flooding issues. Several residents attended Tuesday’s meeting, as well.
Many of the problems include the constant running of sump pumps, flooding of basements and backyards when it rains.
The cost of the inspection is $8,000 plus expenses, which will be paid by the village. The study should take 21 days to complete.
After the inspection phase is completed, the Village Board will have to approve subsequent project phases, which include the identification of actions needed to rehabilitate the basin and restore the wetlands and the development of a maintenance plan. The last phase calls for individual lot drainage and resolution of residents’ groundwater concerns.
by Susan O’Neill
The Village Board on Tuesday approved a contract with engineering company Trotter and Associates, Inc. to study drainage problems within the Mallard Point Subdivision.
The first phase of the project will be to inspect the retention basin to the south of the development in an attempt to determine what is causing the problems.
Issues with flooding and drainage go back to when the construction began on the development east of Route 47 and south of Prairie Street in the early 1990s. The first builder declared bankruptcy in the midst of construction, and two additional builders took over before construction was completed in the late 1990s. Causes and responsibility for the subdivision’s problems have been difficult to pin down.
Mallard Point’s storm water management was to be handled by water flow through the retention basin and an improved wetland to the south. According to village officials, the annexation agreement called for a homeowners association to own and maintain the storm water management improvements.
However, a homeowners association was never formed, and the retention basin property was purchased by the owner of the farm to the south through a tax sale. Many of the residents have said that the water level of the retention facility is higher than originally intended, leading to the subdivision’s drainage and ground water issues.
More than 100 Mallard Point residents attended a special Village Board meeting on Jan. 27 to report on their specific drainage and flooding issues. Several residents attended Tuesday’s meeting, as well.
Many of the problems include the constant running of sump pumps, flooding of basements and backyards when it rains.
The cost of the inspection is $8,000 plus expenses, which will be paid by the village. The study should take 21 days to complete.
After the inspection phase is completed, the Village Board will have to approve subsequent project phases, which include the identification of actions needed to rehabilitate the basin and restore the wetlands and the development of a maintenance plan. The last phase calls for individual lot drainage and resolution of residents’ groundwater concerns.
A mallard point resident explains some differences:
Some differences between a Home Owners Association and a SSA tax (because they are vastly different):
1. A Home Owners Association cannot be forced onto our sub-division by the Village of Sugar Grove. A HOA can be forced on us if enough residents in our sub-division votes it in.
2. A Home Owners Association does not collect a tax, it collects dues. The reason this is important is because HOA dues are currently not allowed as an itemized deduction on your income tax return.
3. An SSA tax is a bit trickier. An SSA tax is not a property tax. Payments either qualify as an increase to the basis of our property (which you cannot deduct as a real estate tax on your tax return) or as a repair & maintenance (which you can deduct as a real estate tax on your tax return). The criteria for which route to go stems over whether the assessment is for an improvement or a repair & maintenance.
Full comments has been reactivated, but will be monitored. Please use the name/url feature to eliminate anonymous comments--use your name, nickname, address or even something kind of obscure such as "400 block of Brookhaven Circle."
Some differences between a Home Owners Association and a SSA tax (because they are vastly different):
1. A Home Owners Association cannot be forced onto our sub-division by the Village of Sugar Grove. A HOA can be forced on us if enough residents in our sub-division votes it in.
2. A Home Owners Association does not collect a tax, it collects dues. The reason this is important is because HOA dues are currently not allowed as an itemized deduction on your income tax return.
3. An SSA tax is a bit trickier. An SSA tax is not a property tax. Payments either qualify as an increase to the basis of our property (which you cannot deduct as a real estate tax on your tax return) or as a repair & maintenance (which you can deduct as a real estate tax on your tax return). The criteria for which route to go stems over whether the assessment is for an improvement or a repair & maintenance.
Full comments has been reactivated, but will be monitored. Please use the name/url feature to eliminate anonymous comments--use your name, nickname, address or even something kind of obscure such as "400 block of Brookhaven Circle."
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Firm to study Mallard Point's woes
By Nancy Gier | Daily Herald StaffContact writer
Published: 2/4/2009 12:01 AM
The Sugar Grove village board approved a proposal Tuesday by Trotter and Associates Engineering of St. Charles to inspect a retention pond in the Mallard Point subdivision as the first step in finding a solution to drainage problems.
Several residents of Mallard Point were at Tuesday's meeting. Residents also voiced their concerns to village officials and staff at a special meeting Jan. 27.
Residents report having to run sump pumps in their basements constantly. Some say their backyards are filled with water after a rain.
"I have three to four inches of water frequently in my basement," said Karen Romero of Brookhaven Circle in Mallard Point. "I have a sump pump, a backup sump pump, and one that runs on batteries. My sump pump runs every 30 seconds. My electric bill last month was $177."
April Carvelli said she bought her house on Brookhaven Circle five years ago.
"My basement is dry, but we found out that our house wasn't supposed to have a basement," Carvelli said. "Our house is at a higher elevation and this causes problems for our neighbors."
Carvelli added that she has also installed sump pumps. She believes the problem lies in the buildup of silt at the retention pond.
Trotter and Associates will inspect the retention pond and basin and make recommendations for maintenance of the pond, restoration of the wetlands and effective stormwater management. The fee is $8,000.
Mallard Point is directly south of Prairie Street and east of Route 47. Most of the homes were built in the mid-to-late 1990s.
Residents of Mallard Point have set up a blog at
Published: 2/4/2009 12:01 AM
The Sugar Grove village board approved a proposal Tuesday by Trotter and Associates Engineering of St. Charles to inspect a retention pond in the Mallard Point subdivision as the first step in finding a solution to drainage problems.
Several residents of Mallard Point were at Tuesday's meeting. Residents also voiced their concerns to village officials and staff at a special meeting Jan. 27.
Residents report having to run sump pumps in their basements constantly. Some say their backyards are filled with water after a rain.
"I have three to four inches of water frequently in my basement," said Karen Romero of Brookhaven Circle in Mallard Point. "I have a sump pump, a backup sump pump, and one that runs on batteries. My sump pump runs every 30 seconds. My electric bill last month was $177."
April Carvelli said she bought her house on Brookhaven Circle five years ago.
"My basement is dry, but we found out that our house wasn't supposed to have a basement," Carvelli said. "Our house is at a higher elevation and this causes problems for our neighbors."
Carvelli added that she has also installed sump pumps. She believes the problem lies in the buildup of silt at the retention pond.
Trotter and Associates will inspect the retention pond and basin and make recommendations for maintenance of the pond, restoration of the wetlands and effective stormwater management. The fee is $8,000.
Mallard Point is directly south of Prairie Street and east of Route 47. Most of the homes were built in the mid-to-late 1990s.
Residents of Mallard Point have set up a blog at
Lots of coverage and a Full House at Board Meeting
There were reporters from the Daily Herald, The Beacon News and WSPY at tonight's board meeting as well as about 30 people (besides the regulars and trustees) who attended. I'm guessing most were Mallard Point residents.
The Trotter Study was approved by the Village. Trotter has 21 days to complete phase one of this study. Many variables will be looked into including beavers and muskrats damming up the basin as well as measuring the sediment.
I'll go through my notes and write more tomorrow. If anyone else would like to add anything in regards to the meeting, please either email me or add your thoughts in the comments area.
The Trotter Study was approved by the Village. Trotter has 21 days to complete phase one of this study. Many variables will be looked into including beavers and muskrats damming up the basin as well as measuring the sediment.
I'll go through my notes and write more tomorrow. If anyone else would like to add anything in regards to the meeting, please either email me or add your thoughts in the comments area.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Authorizing an Agreement with Trotter & Assoc. – Mallard Point
Board Meeting Tuesday February 3 at 6pm
If you wish to attend this meeting, it starts at 6pm and is held at the Village Hall (same building as the police department/across the street from fire station.)
We really do need to make sure we have some Mallard Point homeowners at this meeting to monitor the progress and report back any news. The iron is hot right now, so let's make sure we keep on top of things!
We really do need to make sure we have some Mallard Point homeowners at this meeting to monitor the progress and report back any news. The iron is hot right now, so let's make sure we keep on top of things!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Board Meeting Tuesday February 3 (letter from Cynthia Welch)
Dear Mallard Point Residents:
At the Board meeting of February 3, 2008 a proposal from Trotter Associates will be before the Board. This proposal is for the review of the Mallard Point Detention Basin. Please note that this proposal does not include a scope of work for a project. If you would like to see the actual proposal you will be able to do so online. It will be published online by Monday afternoon (2-2-09) at . If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
Cynthia L. Welsch
Village Clerk / Administrative Assistant
10 Municipal Drive
Sugar Grove, IL 60554
630/466-4507 extension 24
At the Board meeting of February 3, 2008 a proposal from Trotter Associates will be before the Board. This proposal is for the review of the Mallard Point Detention Basin. Please note that this proposal does not include a scope of work for a project. If you would like to see the actual proposal you will be able to do so online. It will be published online by Monday afternoon (2-2-09) at . If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
Cynthia L. Welsch
Village Clerk / Administrative Assistant
10 Municipal Drive
Sugar Grove, IL 60554
630/466-4507 extension 24
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