Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Mallard Point Drainage Update Meeting

June 3, 2009/SG Community House


6:00 P.M.




I am glad that something is being done to address the water issues in our subdivision. My question is why is the village trying to get the Mallard Point Residents to pay for this problem. They are the one's who inspected this area and approved the initial building of the subdivision. They were the ones who were "in the know" about the Rob Roy drainage..They were the ones who were negligent..Mallard Point residents are the victims..The village should pay for this problem..We as Mallard Point residents should not have to pay for their negligence...No SSA
BTW Why did Rick Montalto vote in favor of a resolution for an SSA? He was voted in by the Mallard Point residents, but does he really think we should pay. He should stand up to the village along with Kevin Geary and Tom Renk!
"trying"??? They aren't trying at all. They are MAKING the Mallard Point AND Rolling Oaks residents pay. For their (yes the village's very own) NEGLIGENCE.

And why is no one complaining? Talking to the press? I don't get it.

Oh and anyone catch today's Elburn Herald where Melisa Taylor stated

"We will not spend money FRIVOLOUSLY."

Really Melisa, spending money on your own residents is FRIVOLOUS???? On residents who were basically SCREWED by the village? The village screwed up and now refuses to pay for stuff that happened as a result of them not making sure Mallard point was built correctly.

Nice. So glad to have you representing us all. Glad to see the board picks and chooses who they WILL help.
How can they "make" us pay an SSA? Don't the Mallard Point residents have to vote on that? I thought that if 51% of the residents vote "no" then it doesn't pass.

I don't understand why the Village thinks that MP residents should be financially responsible for these drainage issues. If someone living on Cross street had these problems - who would pay to repair the tiles? The Village, that's who.

I am deeply disappointed in Montalto. I wonder how many MP residents would have voted for him knowing he supports an SSA. How many of us can afford to lose "hundreds of dollars" each year??
To everyone with comments about the SSA, the board etc...Come to the meetings, at this last meeting where they passed the intention to institute the SSA noone was there...There were two, maybe three of us present. If you want to be heard then show up and make yourself known. Stop hiding behind anonymous titles and screen names, posting on here and other message boards will not do you any good. Even the press will not do us any good. We need to be seen to be heard and acknowledged.

As for the 51% to fail the vote….We can’t object as we already agreed to the SSA when we bought our properties (read the contract). The only way we can veto the SSA is if 100% of property Owners (not residents) say no. Any opt outs or no votes automatically count as a yes vote because its agreed to in the property agreements.
Sue your Builder, Realtor, Lawyer, Title Company, Mortgage Company and Developer!!!

Buyer Beware!!!
August 24th, 2009
I'm sure you all received the letter in regards to the meeting on Tuesday, September 1st, at 6:00PM at the Municipal building: 10S. Municipal Drive.It is crucial that as many people as can show up to contest the SSA. Laura White, a fellow neighbor, is going door to door with a petition against the SSA.You can contact her at 630-533-2772 if you are interested in signing it. We need 51% of registered voters as well as 51% of land owners in order to have a chance at preventing this new tax. The proposed SSA could add up to an additional $1000 in taxes on a $200,000 property. Thank-you, you fellow concerned neighbor, Linda Huber
After this debacle now Michels wants to go to the State Senate? Can he mess up Sprigfield any worse than he messed up Mallard Point? The last thing I would do is give Michels a raise and a promotion in politics.
Rob Roy Drainage District meeting on Saturday, March 6 at 9:30am at the SG Township Building (old library)at the corner of Main and Snow.
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