Sunday, March 29, 2009


Regarding anonymous comments


My intention is to continue to post comments that add value. They can be of a contrarian nature as long as they are not slanderous and have facts to back them up. I welcome all candidates to send me their platform or the link to their website so it can be posted. I will personally be voting for Paluch and Montalto because I think they offer fresh ideas for the village. In my view, we are well on the way to having our drainage problem fixed. I also really like what Thomas Renk has said at board meetings, so he has my vote as well. This blog started because of one issue but I expect it to live long after the issue is resolved.


More thoughts in regards to some of the anonymous posters. Some comments from anonymous visitors to the site have expressed that they are not interested in voting for Montalto or Paluch. That is fine and that is certainly your right as a voter. I personally have several concerns about our current group of trustees. While being on the board for many years is not necessarily a bad thing, it is also not a bad thing to get fresh ideas and perspective. To not consider someone just because they have held office for many years or on the flip side have never held office is pretty narrow minded. We elect officials that we feel most closely represent us and our values. I for one feel that some long time members have become too comfortable and are more concerned about conducting business with “connected” firms.

(By the way, Paluch does not live in Mallard Point). Montalto and Paluch both feel that putting village meeting on the web would help with governmental transparency. Anonymous, are you against that? The technology has been available for years that would allow for inexpensive posting of board meetings. The current officials have not made the effort to provide transparency. Why? What could possibly be wrong with holding our elected officials accountable for their decisions and the process they follow when coming to those decisions. I for one can not make it to every board meeting and would find it convenient to view them from the comfort of my own home.

The incumbents are nervous and they should be. They need to be held to a high standard particularly in these troubling economic times. No bid contracts to family members need to be reviewed. $50,000 fixes for single homeowners in affluent neighborhoods need to be reviewed in the light of day. Political power and family connections should not be tainting our wonderful little village. We all need to be vigilant and make sure our elected leaders know that we are engaged and interested in what they are doing. The Mallard Point drainage issue is just one problem that faces the village. They are now addressing it and we are grateful. At the same time, the drainage issue is not over. I hope the village continues to fix the wrong.


I am amazed (sometimes highly amused) at some of the anonymous comments. Suffice it to say, many have not been fit to publish. I will not be bullied into posting anything that does not add value to the issues here. If you do not want your name published, I am totally okay with that, but you will have to provide your name to me as the moderator. I will keep your name confidential.

Just please keep the comments clean and productive. Humor, even sarcasm is fine within reason. But let's keep this blog somewhat productive....

Stay tuned for more thoughts.

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