Sunday, March 29, 2009
The intent of this blog is not to promote Mallard Point, I already know the advantages of Mallard Point. There are wonderful neighbors here, big lots, and open, airy homes. I don't see this blog as demeaning to this subdivision at all.
The intent of this blog is to see what can be done to "right the wrong" that the homeowners have been dealing with. It is not a normal or average homeowner maintenance issue. This problem could and should have NEVER happened. If the village had been more diligent all along the way (instead of using MP as a learning experience), and specifically if the village had made sure the drainage issues were handled correctly, this would have never happened. If they made sure that the people responsible for our drainage system did their jobs correctly and used the right size materials and the proper numbers of materials and that everything was up to code, this would not have happened. IF they took measures to ensure that a HOA was in place all along the way-through the different developers that took over at various stages, there would not be an issue today. And maybe the drainage tiles should have been connected all the way to the Rob Roy Creek. (Bear with me now and please read the entire blog before posting a comment.)
Most of us are not experts on drainage and that is why design, permits and inspections are the responsibility of the local government. It is a public area just like our parks. We as homeowners did everything we should have to ensure we were making an educated purchase. Our elected officials let us down. We trusted that the village did their job.
But they didn’t……
Here are some of the issues that have been uncovered during this controversy:
• Drainage structures, pond and wetlands were sold to a private individual with no mandates for the owner to take care of maintenance.
• Problem with drainage was known to the village since at least 2002, yet they did not do anything about it and have allowed the problem to grow.
• The ability to impose an SSA apparently existed since the subdivision was created. Why did the village not impose it years ago and solve the problem before residents were injured?
• The village did not enforce that an HOA was created in Mallard Point (yes, many builders came and went, but ultimately the village held the power to ensure an HOA was created and they never did.)
• The environmental engineering company that the village used is owned by a member of the village board’s father. This firm was involved with the village when drainage structures were built contrary to the approved building plans.
• The trustees admitted that mistakes were made and that they learned from them. It is now their responsibility to take reasonable steps to correct their errors.
An interesting fact that may or may not have any impact on our issue is that another Sugar Grove neighborhood (Stafford Woods) had ONE homeowner who had a water issue. It was that of a broken pipe. The village approved over $50,000 for that repair without ANY discussion. (minutes can be found on the Sugar Grove website) And that was for ONE resident. Maybe there are different rules based on the value of a home. Yes, the pipe did break and maybe it is a no-brainer that the village should fix it. Then by the same token, shouldn’t it be a no-brainer that the village should also take care of Mallard Point?
Many of the trustees were reluctant to reassure the residents of Mallard Point. They told us that they learned a great deal from the mistakes that were made here. Some even attempted sympathy by telling of their own water issues. (Does that mean they were not going to help us until their issues were handled first??)
Thomas Renk is one of the few who was reassuring and sympathetic. He said that his idea of "government" was a body that would intervene when an individual could not accomplish something on their own. I think the case of Mallard Point is exactly a case of what he is talking about. Personally, he is the type of person that the village should have as a trustee.
Keep in mind, this is all only my opinion. This blog is mine alone. Representing my thoughts. I have tried to keep it as "fair" as possible. I think the village could stand a few new faces and some new thoughts. I am also hoping the village will continue to monitor the pond.
In ending this post, I do thank the village for the good that they have done. They HAVE helped. They have had Public Works employees out there, cleaning up the pond. And we've been told the pond is TEN INCHES LOWER than it was. This is great. But it did take a lot of effort to get them to do that. I hope they don't just clean it and run. Cuz we’ll be right back to the same problem.
The intent of this blog is to see what can be done to "right the wrong" that the homeowners have been dealing with. It is not a normal or average homeowner maintenance issue. This problem could and should have NEVER happened. If the village had been more diligent all along the way (instead of using MP as a learning experience), and specifically if the village had made sure the drainage issues were handled correctly, this would have never happened. If they made sure that the people responsible for our drainage system did their jobs correctly and used the right size materials and the proper numbers of materials and that everything was up to code, this would not have happened. IF they took measures to ensure that a HOA was in place all along the way-through the different developers that took over at various stages, there would not be an issue today. And maybe the drainage tiles should have been connected all the way to the Rob Roy Creek. (Bear with me now and please read the entire blog before posting a comment.)
Most of us are not experts on drainage and that is why design, permits and inspections are the responsibility of the local government. It is a public area just like our parks. We as homeowners did everything we should have to ensure we were making an educated purchase. Our elected officials let us down. We trusted that the village did their job.
But they didn’t……
Here are some of the issues that have been uncovered during this controversy:
• Drainage structures, pond and wetlands were sold to a private individual with no mandates for the owner to take care of maintenance.
• Problem with drainage was known to the village since at least 2002, yet they did not do anything about it and have allowed the problem to grow.
• The ability to impose an SSA apparently existed since the subdivision was created. Why did the village not impose it years ago and solve the problem before residents were injured?
• The village did not enforce that an HOA was created in Mallard Point (yes, many builders came and went, but ultimately the village held the power to ensure an HOA was created and they never did.)
• The environmental engineering company that the village used is owned by a member of the village board’s father. This firm was involved with the village when drainage structures were built contrary to the approved building plans.
• The trustees admitted that mistakes were made and that they learned from them. It is now their responsibility to take reasonable steps to correct their errors.
An interesting fact that may or may not have any impact on our issue is that another Sugar Grove neighborhood (Stafford Woods) had ONE homeowner who had a water issue. It was that of a broken pipe. The village approved over $50,000 for that repair without ANY discussion. (minutes can be found on the Sugar Grove website) And that was for ONE resident. Maybe there are different rules based on the value of a home. Yes, the pipe did break and maybe it is a no-brainer that the village should fix it. Then by the same token, shouldn’t it be a no-brainer that the village should also take care of Mallard Point?
Many of the trustees were reluctant to reassure the residents of Mallard Point. They told us that they learned a great deal from the mistakes that were made here. Some even attempted sympathy by telling of their own water issues. (Does that mean they were not going to help us until their issues were handled first??)
Thomas Renk is one of the few who was reassuring and sympathetic. He said that his idea of "government" was a body that would intervene when an individual could not accomplish something on their own. I think the case of Mallard Point is exactly a case of what he is talking about. Personally, he is the type of person that the village should have as a trustee.
Keep in mind, this is all only my opinion. This blog is mine alone. Representing my thoughts. I have tried to keep it as "fair" as possible. I think the village could stand a few new faces and some new thoughts. I am also hoping the village will continue to monitor the pond.
In ending this post, I do thank the village for the good that they have done. They HAVE helped. They have had Public Works employees out there, cleaning up the pond. And we've been told the pond is TEN INCHES LOWER than it was. This is great. But it did take a lot of effort to get them to do that. I hope they don't just clean it and run. Cuz we’ll be right back to the same problem.
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