Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Preparing for upcoming election
We have accomplished our first goal of getting Rick Montalto’s name on the upcoming Trustee Election Ballot. It is now time to start preparing for the upcoming election.
We need to start fundraising in an effort to cover the printing of signs and flyers. Many of you have not been able to help with the signatures on the petitions, attending the meetings, etc., and we understand that many of us lead very busy lifestyles. Here is where you can help us keep moving forward with a simple donation to the fund. Checks can be written to the ‘Montalto Campaign Fund” and sent to 320 Mallard Lane, Sugar Grove, IL. 60554. A small donation per family would help fulfill our needs. (Please send donations prior to the end of February in order to allow ample time for printing).
Although we have made contact with some printing companies to check printing costs, we are also looking for any Mallard Point Resident who may be in the printing business that would be willing to help out. If possible we would like to give the job to one of our own. If you are in the printing business and would like get involved please call Rick at 630-251-3001. Once we gather the necessary funds to get the printing done we will send out another notice for anyone interested in putting a sign in their yard. Thanks in advance for anything that you can do.
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Bill D.
No, Rick is not a single issue candidate at all. His house is not even one of the affected houses. If you look back in the blog, to the entry titled "Rick Montalto; Unplugged!" you can read much more about him. (It was posted January 28.)
No, Rick is not a single issue candidate at all. His house is not even one of the affected houses. If you look back in the blog, to the entry titled "Rick Montalto; Unplugged!" you can read much more about him. (It was posted January 28.)
Rick sounds like a nice guy, but as a voter with no skin in the Mallard Point drainage game, it concerns me that he is running on a platform of bringing a voice to the board from Mallard Point. How does that look to the other 8000 residents of SG? Not very representative of the community as a whole. If we were electing alderman, I would understand. But that is not the make-up of our village government. We need elected officials that represent all, not some.
I have no doubt that Rick will comment himself soon. In the meantime, did you read the background on him? I can understand how you might think he is running for trustee based on the recent water issues. But that simply is not the case.
I have lived in Mallard Point since 1994 and have seen the growth, and problems, that many of the current residents have not. I have not only been active in the community, but have an extensive emergency service background, and the education, to make me a viable candidate for Trustee. These are the reasons that I have been urged by fellow residents to run for a position on the board. I am personally not affected by water drainage problems and am not running to correct a problem that is occurring in my home. I am running because residents feel that they are not being represented properly by the current board members. The issue of Mallard Point, though it has unified the residents of Mallard Point, is but one facing our community. There are subdivisions uncompleted, roads in terrible shape, retail stores second guessing whether they should build in Sugar Grove, the 1% sales tax increase that was added two years ago to entice the shopping center that never materialized, and numerous other issues. I will be the first to state that I don’t have all the answers, but I am willing to add a new outlook, and some fresh ideas. The fact that Mallard Point has the web site going is addressing this one issue more than others currently facing the village as a whole. I can understand Bill D., and his concern, but I can assure him that I am not running on the single issue of Mallard Point drainage. Kevin Geary is currently on the board, and lives in Mallard Point, so there is already a voice from Mallard Point in place. I will be there to represent residents throughout the village who currently feel that it is time for change.
Good to see that there is interest in the Village Board election. The important thing to remember that there are campaign finance rules that still have to be followed, even at the local level. Also, knowing what is going on is important. Hopefully, candidates are actually going to meetings to get information and not just reading newspaper reports. Plus, getting information on all candidates and all positions up for election this April..village, township, school board, library board and fire district is really important.
I would invite Rick to share his views and concerns and open debate with other candidates on my site.
As a voter I want to get as much information about all the canidates that are running.
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As a voter I want to get as much information about all the canidates that are running.
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