Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Lots of coverage and a Full House at Board Meeting

There were reporters from the Daily Herald, The Beacon News and WSPY at tonight's board meeting as well as about 30 people (besides the regulars and trustees) who attended. I'm guessing most were Mallard Point residents.

The Trotter Study was approved by the Village. Trotter has 21 days to complete phase one of this study. Many variables will be looked into including beavers and muskrats damming up the basin as well as measuring the sediment.

I'll go through my notes and write more tomorrow. If anyone else would like to add anything in regards to the meeting, please either email me or add your thoughts in the comments area.

I live at 428 brookhaven circle in Mallard Point. I am having and have had since I moved into my home 16 years ago a problem with a constatntly running sump. I have replaced 6 sump pumps at my house. The sump runs every 2 minutes 24/7. I hope they get to the bottom of this problem.
Applause,applause to neighbor Jim Stone.This was the first meeting I was able to attend and was very impressed with the way Mr. Stone informed the board that he was not going to take "no" for an answere.

Also,did anyone catch where the village is saving the $200,000?I know they didn't say where the money is going to go but it would be nice to see it go towards helping our neighborhood.
This entire issue appears to be a private, neighoborhood issue and should be handled with private funds; not SG governmental funds.

There are several neighborhoods in SG that handle these issues and many others on their own without taxpayer help.

Form a HOA, save money in a reserve and handle the issues privately.
Great idea! We can start by putting our property taxes in that fund.
I totally do not think this is a private matter at all. The problem is not coming from a private citizen. It is a problem that was passed over time and time again. The village gave the approval for basements. The village knew that the drain tiles just stopped and did not connect to the Rob Roy Creek. Many unsuspecting homebuyers had no way to know this before they bough their homes. The village has to be held accountable to at least some degree.

Surely the village had access to information on the land at Mallard Point before and during the building of it. Why did they not care that the drain tiles just stopped. Why did they not care that the retention pond had no "maintenance rules" attached to it

Sure many neighborhoods may have issues. They may have HOAs. The bottom line is the village ddid not insist that Mallard Point have an HOA. They did not make sure the drainage tiles were set up correctly. They did not insist that the sale of the basin was set up with a provision that the owner of said basin must burn/dredge/maintain it.

Easy to say if you do not own a home that has these flooding issues. The homes in Mallard Point are going to go way way way down in value. As a resident of Sugar Grove, do you want an area that will lower your home's value? Even if you don't live in Mallard Point (and especially if you do), the home values in Mallard Point will also brig down the value of your home too.
Still don't see how a privately funded HOA will not solve this issue. You own it, you control it and you decide how to fix the issues.

Perhaps it is easier to have a few affected homeowners complain to the Village than to ask your neighbors to contribute hundreds of dollars to a HOA.
Aren't we getting ahead of ourselves? Let's see what the Trotter report says before we get all bent out of shape.

I hope people will comment, but I don't want to see the comment section become a bashing area.

I think we all want to see a favorable outcome to this problem. Sugar Grove is a wonderful village so let's not start bashing each other. Comment some solutions. Comment your concerns. Ask questions. Keep the dialogue going.

Please do comment, but please put a name or address to the comment. Especially if you want your comment to be taken seriously. You do not need to sign up at all to comment. Just click on Name/URL and put your name (or at least your address, ie 393 Mallard) when prompted.
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